
Our blog connects our clients with our health and wellness practitioners, by providing informative and practical insights from our own personal health journeys. Welcome to our community of healers!

Muscle Elements Massage Therapy Deep Tissue Swedish Reflexology Edmonton Sherwood Park

5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity

By Trudi Rumball, Registered Acupuncturist Wash your hands and relax, you don’t need to stock pile toilet paper! All joking aside, we are currently experiencing uncharted territory in the midst of the corona virus pandemic.  Recreation centers and libraries are closing, sports are being cancelled, schools are being closed and businesses are arranging for employees to work from home.  This can be a scary time, but try to stay calm and don’t panic.  These are simply proactive security measures to control spreading the virus,  but the reality is COVID-19 is not deadly for most people.  The media is doing a

Migraines Getting You Down?

By Trudi Rumball, Registered Acupuncturist If you have ever suffered from a migraine, you are probably reading this right now, hoping I am going to reveal the magic cure.   Is there one? The answer is…maybe! By exploring different alternative therapies, you may just find the perfect cure.  Migraines are a debilitating condition that affect 8% of people in Canada (approximately 2,00,000).  Suffering from migraines can be extremely painful, and also cause a major impact on productivity (and your entire life).  When most people have a migraine, they cannot work, miss planned activities, and it can disrupt relationships.  Women are more

Mom’s: Wanna Live Your Best Life? Top 10 Tips

By Heather Kew, Registered Massage Therapist “Self Care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you” – Katie Reed Kids can’t wait for June to be over. They dream of the days when school will be done and they can play outside, with no rules and no schedule. For them, June is too long as they lose focus and impatiently wait for the last day of school. For Mom’s, June goes by way to fast and seems to drain every ounce of  energy you have left. The stress is real: the kids aren’t sleeping

Do Kids Actually Like Acupuncture?

For parents, there are few things more heartbreaking than seeing your child in pain and/or distress, and knowing there isn’t much you can do about it. This situation becomes more complicated when it comes to young children and babies, who are unable to tell you exactly what is wrong. When this happens, parents are often left feeling helpless and frustrated. But what if there was something you could do to help your little one? Something that they actually enjoyed and helped them relax? Physical issues in babies and young children are often quite different from adults, so their treatment is